Friday, March 22, 2013

Hey There Delilah


  1. thx so much i love this song but it seems like you order it a little wrong but thx thx thx thx thx thx thx for putting it on i was waiting for so long but now im super happy thx thx thx thx thx ssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much :)<3

  2. I love the song dont get me wrong but I think you should put up ALL of the sharps and flats and naturals just so that the people playing this song dont get messed up like I did. I must have messed up like a hundred times because of the errors made on this song. So could you maybe fix that. And on every other song on this website. But other than that, I love what you do and I greatly appreciate it. It gets me out og boredom:) Thanks girl!!! You rock!

  3. Or show all the Sharps and the flats just not the naturals but the naturals are just by them selfs

  4. GREAT! only problem is that you just cut it off at the end.

    1. You are so right next time do not cut off the ending!!!!

  5. I love the song but I see why the end is wrong. The song doesnt end there you put the second paragraph in the wrong spot. if you switch the second and third paragraph then the song is fixed. I noticed while playing with the song and reading the notes and words.

  6. Secong view is the last part of the song! Hahah i just got that.. no wonder the lyrics made no sense.. But Thanks!!! It awsome!!

  7. lol I just now figured out the last two paragraphs need to be changed

  8. this song is da bomb it makes me think of my ex but i love it

  9. the middle and the end need to be switched I think unless it is just the song I was lessening to but GREAT JOD =)

  10. Facorite Eva!!! Its wicked awesome thanks alot!!

  11. it perfect but the middle and the end got switched can u fix it pwease and then itll be perfect. :)

  12. i love this song but its anoying when the all the sharps and flats and nautrels arent shown so i get confused and play E nautrel not Eb it sounds better on my flute but it may sound not as good on other peoples flute. Great job doing this song just please switch the paragraphs around that you messed up and put in the nautrels and flats and stuff thank you so much!

  13. omg this is my favorite song ever but i had to laugh when i found the middle and end got switched lol !(not hate!)

  14. Wow!!! Thank you so much!!!! I've been trying to figure the notes out by ear for months now, this has been a BIG help!! All I have to do is perfect it then I'm off to play it for my girlfriend ❤

  15. I just found this but the ending is actually the second page... the last page should be where the second one is.��

  16. The second and third panels are flipped
