Saturday, December 2, 2023

You're Losing Me (From The Vault) - Taylor Swift


  1. Hi! I’m not sure how to find where to request a song but, I read the Useful Info page and saw you read the comments. I was wondering if at some point you could add some boygenius songs? I love using this site and I actually use it for piano music cause I have never understood sheet music even with lessons. This is so helpful!

  2. Please do more Taylor Swift thank youšŸ˜Š

  3. howdy! I was wondering if you could please upload notes for vampire - Olivia Rodrigo ? I love your work !

  4. hi! i just wanted to show some appreciation for the work you do. it's really hard to find good quality free flute notes for the songs i like and your site is always the first place i go to find new songs! thank you so much for doing what you do and know that you are extremely talented to be able to create these. much love <3

  5. Hi! I just wanted to thank you for all of your work I’ve been using your notes for such a long time now. I was wondering if you could add any Zach Bryan songs?

  6. I would love I Remember Everything by Zach Bryan and Casey Musgraves if possible

  7. do u think u could do some lana del rey songs pls


Thanks for checking out my post! Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions.